
Download mafia 2 jimmy's vendetta
Download mafia 2 jimmy's vendetta

The Lost in Transit mission is a gold mine for car destruction, but I'm just not good enough to not die/blow myself up.

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So that really does make a massive difference, if you do that for story missions as you go, I'm sure you'll get the Millionaire achievement without this need of replaying missions. Just using the car multiplier method on the car jacking ones, I'm now just 21,000 short. I consider myself as an about average gamer, I played through on Hard and finished the game on 854,000. The last 2-3 story missions should net you a tidy amount, in the region of 150-250,000+. Leave yourself a safe 5 'minutes' on the green clock to get back into the car and hit X straight away. They don't add to the multiplier though, so bare that in mind if you start going all cop killer :) The cops will come, but they don't shot AT you until you either kill a civilian by explosion/shooting, or a cop, then it gets messy, but you can kill them anyway. The best advice I can give is this load up on ammo before car missions, then after you've got the car at the destination DO NOT press X, but get out of the car and blow up the cars around you, stringing them together, you can net a very tidy bonus doing this, I've improved all of my scores using this method, and I'd suggest finishing off as many missions as you can by 'car demolition'. Try your best to keep that bar and multiplier active (top right, next to the green mission clock.

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By headshots, killing, or blowing up cars (demolition bonus).

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It's possible to 1,000,000 on all difficulties, but you'll really have to bring your AAA game to stand much of a chance for the casual/average player on Easy. Playing on Hard will net you 100% (double) mission score. Playing on Medium will net you a 50% bonus on top of mission score. Playing on Easy you earn just the points per mission.

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I'd suggest playing on hard if you played the main game on hard, the only real difference I've noticed on this DLC versus the main game is the over abundance of cops, they are everywhere and are quick to spot you.

Download mafia 2 jimmy's vendetta